Tuesday, February 16, 2010


God's word tells us in John, Chapter 6:63 that "The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life."

WOW, how powerful are those words. It reminds me of how little I have to do with anything in my life - really. We all like to think that we are in some kind of control, but in all reality - God is the only one who is in control of our destiny!!

HE knows our every move BEFORE we make it and HE knows our every thought BEFORE we think it! As we ponder our eternal life through Christ Jesus, consider this:

Your Thoughts become Words;
Your Words become Actions;
Your Actions become Habits;
Your Habits become Character -
And most importantly...
Your Character becomes your Eternal Destiny!!

...and that's from the heart

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dressing for the day!

Proverbs 31:17 “She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for the task." and Proverbs 31:25 "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."

Just where does the time go?? If your day planner looks anything like mine, I realize sometimes it is a challenge to take care of EVERYTHING that I need to take care. Luckily, SOME THINGS are written in the blocks in pencil…but for those written in ink – I’m BLESSED to have the Lord walking along beside me!! When you catch a glimpse of yourself in the your rear view mirror, as you’re rushing from place to place these days, take pride in what you see! Realize YOU were made with perfection, from the inside out.

Each day, before you take that first step, take a glimpse in God’s direction…because He is the One and ONLY that can prepare you for all of the tasks you have to accomplish, all of the meetings to attend and all the challenges that lie ahead.

Begin each day, by getting dressed in the armor of God. It is HIS protection and strength that allows you to face whatever life brings you, with a beautiful smile! After all, He created all things. NOTHING can take His joy away from you, so long as you have your priorities in the right order!!

...and that's from the heart

Thursday, February 4, 2010

... from the heart

"Happy are the people whose God is the Lord."
Psalm 144:15 (NKJV)
Are you one of those women who people say always seems to have a smile? If not, you CAN be!! It's such a wonderful thing to have happiness despite what is going on around you. That thing called...Life! Enough said, right? It's shown us all that there are good times AND bad times. One thing we all know for sure...God is with us through it all!! HE's our shoulder to cry on, HE's our ear when we just need to talk. HE knows our every thought!! How can we have happiness despite what's going on around us? When GOD is LORD of your life, you are no longer captive to your emotions...you tknow the ones: depression, fear, anger, sadness, anxiety...ALL of which are based on a TEMPORARY situation!!

Luckily, GOD is PERMANENT. HE's the one we trust, look to for guidance and strength. HE is the one in CONTROL!! HE is also a real gentleman, never forcing Himself on anyone. HE is there waiting for you to ask for His help...so go ahead, you know you want to...just ask Him.

The Bible says that God will fill us with joy and that in His presence is fullness of joy. If you're not happy, I encourage you to give some thought to letting go of those things, let GOD wipe them away from your heart, mind and soul.

If things still seem to make you weary, maybe, just maybe you've jumped into the drivers seat...if that's the case, move over...that's GOD's seat in your life!!! "Jesus, take the wheel..." He has true happiness just waiting for you - so go ahead, move over and let HIM drive - just sit back and enjoy the ride!

...and that's From the Heart