Monday, March 1, 2010

Playing nicely with Others

God's Playground Rule #1 - Don't throw stones...

This comes from Jesus' example in John 8. He was very clear that there will be no stone throwing at other people. He reminded each person in the story that we are all in need of grace, no matter how blameless we feel, and instead of knocking people to the ground to humiliate them, we need to be looking for ways to build them up. One thing I love about this story is that Jesus rescued the woman twice. Not only does he save her from the condemnation of others and the inevitable stoning, he saves her for a life that is now a clean slate. He saves her so she can choose to make her life more in tune with God's love, and in keeping with what God had in mind for her. I like that about Jesus. As a friend of mine used to say, "God saves us from and saves us for..."So let's look for ways to pick each other up and dust each other off this week. No stone throwing. It hurts too much, and "the world" does enough of it - so let's not do it to ourselves or each other!

...and that's from the heart

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