Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Don't give up!

As you may or may not know, I am in a very difficult season of my life. I use the word season as I know that as most seasons, it should change after a while of endurance. However, in this season of difficulty, I am reminded to stay obedient to Christ, disciplining myself and staying committed to Him. We are challenged in Scripture to fight the good fight and finish the race that has been set before us. We are challenged to do all we can do, while remaining content to do what we are called to do and leave the results in God's hands. There are several illustrations I could use to drive this point home, but one in particular may make what I am saying a little more clearer for us. Think of the winter Olympics for a moment. The snowboarders that participate, battle the elements and the fatigue that bad weather takes on their bodies is unbelievable. When the weather gets extremely bad and it makes it difficult for the snowboarders to see and navigate, one could easily give up and say "this is too difficult" or "I can't continue, I'm quitting". As the snowboarder continues, they may see some that have fallen along the way and again it would be very easy to take the easy way out.

We sometimes look up at the bottom of our own hill (current circumstances) and we've got a choice. We can climb and crawl our way up the hill with the help and grace of the Lord, who enables us - or give up and take the easier path. The devil constantly whispers "someone else will take up the prayer burdens on your heart, someone else will take over your responsibilities, it doesn't matter, you really don't make that much of a difference. There are others that have not struggled as hard as you in their circumstances so let them fight the fight.....let them run the race."

God has never given His people the option of the easy way out. I believe each of us is one of his people and we need to place our trust in His Word and we must challenge ourselves to keep our eyes on the prize, not allowing our fears and doubts to take us off of our course. And if we fall, or rather, when we fall, we will pray for that extra grace to pull ourselves up, climbing that hill that is set before us. And if we find ourselves facing yet a larger hill, we will rely on His grace to give us the momentum to soar up and over that hill, until we cross the finish line. Remember 1 Tim 6:12----fight the good fight......don't give up!

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